My Bubie feels that it is important to talk about bad things that could happen to people and to think about how we can prevent them from happening. In our community girls often get married at a very young age. My Bubie feels that this is not the best idea. Also, she wonders, do girls learn about how important it is to know, if someone is mean to them who they can go to for help? She worries about these things because she has heard stories about young women not being able to protect themselves if they marry someone who hurts them or is mean to them. I do not worry about these things but maybe I should think about what if I or one of my sisters or one of my friends is matched with a boy who is not nice. This is what happened to the woman in the next story and we can learn something from her.
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Sometimes people stare at someone who looks different or acts differently. My Bubie says that not everyone is the same. Hashem (God) gave different gifts to every person and also different challenges. We cannot know what another person has to overcome in his life and that is why my Bubie says that Hashem put us here to help each other with all of our hardships. We should try not to stare at people who look different and we should try to help when we can. I think this is a good idea. My parents try to help people too. It is sometimes hard to make friends with people who are different, but my Bubie says that it is important and you can see this from the next story which she told us.
Fradella My Bubie believes that it is important to look past how a person dresses, or if they are beautiful on the outside and have no physical problems. In my community there is a lot of emphasis put on the clothes someone is wearing and whether or not they have a health problem. Sometimes a person won’t want to marry you if you are deaf or blind or walk funny or even if you come from a family where they weren’t religious. My Bubie says that we always have to try to “see” what a person really is like by how they treat other people, weaker people and also animals. She may be right, I’m not sure. Can someone really “see” if they are blind? My Bubie thinks so, as you can read in the next story she told us.
Fradella My name Fradella is pronounced with a short U sound, Frudella. There is this boy that I see and think that perhaps we will marry someday. I want a big wedding in B’nei Brak. The reason I want a wedding in B’nei Brak is because we can have musical instruments, a band playing songs during the wedding meal. In Jerusalem, since the destruction of the Temple, many Jews do not play musical instruments at their weddings. They only have wedding singers.
My brother wants to be a wedding singer and play in a band when he gets older. The principal of his Cheder (school) doesn’t think that he should study an instrument until he reads better. My Bubie says that maybe learning to play an instrument will help him to read better. Who knows who is right? For now, my parents are listening to the principal. Girls my age talk about getting married some day and having many children. I also do but my Bubie has written some stories which make me think that maybe there might be other things that I want to do too. Here is one of those stories…. |